A ‘Come and Sing’ one day workshop being held in the magnificent surroundings of Worcester Cathedral on Saturday 6th April will give keen singers of all kinds a thrilling opportunity to learn and perform a classic choral masterwork.
Hosted by Worcester Festival Choral Society, the workshop gives singers a chance to try out their vocal chords on Beethoven’s thrilling Mass in C. The event, which is expected to attract around 100 amateur singers, will be led by incoming Worcester Cathedral Director of Music and choral expert Samuel Hudson, with accompaniment from Nicholas Freestone, the Cathedral’s Assistant Director of Music.
Ben Cooper, Chairman of Worcester Festival Choral Society, said: “Whether you’re a tenor or bass, alto or soprano, we have a brilliant day in store for anyone who loves singing. We’ll be learning all the work’s main choruses using a vocal score that we’ll lend you for the day. Along the way there’ll be plenty of singing tips from our conductor, and a chance to socialise with fellow music lovers. Having the workshop take place in the awe-inspiring Cathedral nave is the icing on the cake!”
Singers should arrive for registration from 9:30am, with a 10:15 start. After several singing sessions the afternoon concludes by 5pm, following an informal performance. “Once we’re familiar with the choruses we’ll be rounding off the afternoon with a mini ‘concert performance’ in the Cathedral nave that singers’ friends and family can attend free of charge,” confirms Ben.
“Beethoven’s Mass in C is musically stunning and a treat to sing. You don’t need choral experience or an amazing voice to take part, but if you can read music you’ll get the most from the day. It’s a superb chance toexperience one of the choral greats.”
The event is Worcester Festival Choral Society’s fourth, annual Come & Sing workshop, with previous workshops attracting singers from across the country.
Tickets for day must be booked in advance. Vocal score loan, and free tea and coffee, are included in the ticket price of £20 (adults) and £10 (students). Singers can also pre-order a home-made packed lunch and buy cakes on the day. To book either online or by post, visit www.worcesterfestivalchoralsociety.org.uk.
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